
In every market up and down the land you will find a stall on which a little man will be selling T-shirts on the premise that one size fits all. If you have ever bought one of these you will know that as human beings we come in so many different sizes one size will never fit all. In this parish we recognise that people are different in all sorts of ways and so our churches and the services within them are all different styles too.

Let's start with the Sunday services:

In Llantrisant at 9:00am we have the communion service which we follow from a book. We have a robed choir and you will get a sermon from the pulpit, communion from the altar and the organ to play the hymns.

The 6:00pm Evensong service is the same style except that there is no communion

The 11:00am All Age Service alternates between communion and not communion. The organ will play one or two hymns but the worship group will get their guitars out to play the rest. We will not use hymn books but will use PowerPoint. There will be a sermon but not from the pulpit and it will have an altogether more down to earth feel although God is still central to it. There may even be a bit of dancing.

In Beddau and Miskin the Sunday morning services are similar to the Llantrisnant 9:00am service except there is no robed choir in either church.

In Miskin the All Age Service on the 1st Sunday of the month is the kind of service all the family can come along to. Its God centred, down to earth and has a good chance of having action songs in it. 

Midweek services:

Our Sunday services are hopefully welcoming and churchy at the same time. With our midweek services we are usually less in number and the services are shorter in length. We follow the service book, still have sermon, prayers and communion but take out the hymns and some other bits. It's the kind of atmosphere where if you really have a question you can ask it.

Other Services:

There are other times when we come together to pray publicly and if it's a special day e.g. St David's Day then we may put on an extra evening service.

Our aim is to be the complete opposite of a one size one stop T-shirt shop.

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