Fresh Expressions

It’s not going too far to say that in all of society there is a lack of commitment, as people do what they like when they like how they like. The knock on effect is that less people sign up for things and that includes getting to know God.

Sure there are lots of baptisms and weddings etc but attending one of those is like walking straight into God’s shop and then back out again. Sure we have lots of different services in our various churches all week long but providing is not inviting.

Look at these figures from a study of what people think of church going:

Regular (15%)   People who come and enjoy regularly
Fringe    (10%)   Not regular attendees but like the idea of church
Open      ( 5%)    Used to come to church, have left and not come back for whatever reason but are open to return.
Closed   (28%)    Used to come to church, have left and not come back for whatever reason but are not open to return at the moment.
Waiting (  1%)    This group has no idea what church is about and makes its assumptions from what the media portray, which is far from a            correct image.

A Tearfund Report states that two thirds of adults in the UK have no connection with church -See the Report here Tearfund Report

That is why we have a Fresh Expressions team in this parish who need your help to work out what we can all do next to engage with the 60% and share with them the hope that we have been given through knowing Jesus Christ.

Fresh Expressions Of Church

More information about Fresh Expressions can be found at:
Fresh Expressions