Prayer Groups


Prayer is such an important thing for us as Christians. When you are in a relationship with another human being, you nurture and enjoy that relationship through communication. The same is true with our relationship to God. In the parish we pray and worship God in our regular services but we also have other specific times of prayer and prayer groups.

Partners in Prayer (PiP)
Within each of the three churches we have members who are committed to praying each day for causes and concerns both locally and globally. If you have a need that requires prayerful support or you would like to join the group then contact on of the PiP group leaders.

Most Monday evenings from 7:00pm until 8:00pm there is the opportunity to gather for public prayer. Here we look at the day's bible reading, then spend a time chatting about what it brings to mind and then we just begin to pray for God's blessing and God's guidance. You do not need a PhD or an IQ of 199 to come and join us; anyone who has ears and a mouth is welcome. We don't want to be the parish that just does good things, we want to be the parish that does God's things only, so to help us we come 2Ponder.