Women Of the Well (WOW)

A ladies group that meets regularly once every two months on Saturday mornings, more often than not in St. David’s Church, Miskin.

The morning usually starts at 10.30 a.m. with tea/coffee, which enables everyone to get to know one another and catch up with each other’s news. The meeting begins at approx. 11.00 a.m. Occasionally, we have a speaker or maybe a bible study, book review or a visit to a church in another parish. We normally adjourn for lunch, generally at a local inn, at 12.15 p.m. to 12.30 p.m.

All ladies are welcome to join us for all or any part of the day; it is not necessary to be a member of a church. For details of the meetings, please refer to the posters or to

Whats On on the Llantrisant Parish website (click here) .

Wow Group At St Augustines  



For further details please email: wow@parishofllantrisant.org.uk

You Tube Llantrisant Parish